
Journal articles

E. Köksal-Ersöz, P. Benquet, F. Wendling. Expansion of epileptogenic networks via neuroplasticity in neural mass models, PLoS Comput. Biol., 20(12): e1012666, 2024.

M.D. Mihai, E. Köksal-Ersöz, A. Benard, T. Calas, A. Nica, Y. Denoyer, M. Yochum, F. Wendling, P. Benquet. Localization of the epileptogenic network from scalp EEG using a patient-specific whole-brain model , Network Neuroscience, 2024.

M.A. Kayabas, E. Köksal-Ersöz, M. Yochum, F. Bartolomei, P. Benquet, F. Wendling. Transition to seizure in focal epilepsy: From SEEG phenomenology to underlying mechanisms , Epilepsia, 65(12): 3619-30, 2024.

E. Köksal-Ersöz, M. Yochum, P. Benquet, F. Wendling. eCOALIA: Neocortical neural mass model for simulating electroencephalographic signals , SoftwareX, 28: 101924, 2024.

E. Köksal-Ersöz, J. Makhalova, M. Yochum, C-G. Bénar, M. Guye, F. Bartolomei, F. Wendling, I. Merlet. Whole-brain simulation of interictal epileptic discharges for patient-specific interpretation of interictal SEEG data , Neurophysiologie Clinique, 54(5): 103005, 2024.

F. Wendling, E. Köksal-Ersöz, M. Al-Harrach, M. Yochum, I. Merlet, G. Ruffini, F. Bartolomei and P. Benquet. Multiscale neuro-inspired models for interpretation of EEG signals in patients with epilepsy, Clinical Neurophysiology, 161: 198-210, 2024.

M. Kudeyt, A. Kıvılcım, E. Köksal-Ersöz, F. Ilhah and Ö. Karabacak Certification of almost global phase synchronization of all-to-all coupled phase oscillators, Chaos, Solutions and Fractals., 174: 113838, 2023.

P. Clusella, E. Köksal-Ersöz, J. Garcia-Ojalvo and G. Ruffini. Comparison between an exact and a heuristic neural mass model with second order synapses, Biol. Cybern., 117: 5 - 19, 2023.

E. Köksal-Ersöz*, R. Lazazzera*, M. Yochum, I. Merlet, J. Makhalova, B. Mercadal, R. Sanchez-Todo, G. Ruffini, F. Bartolomei, P. Benquet and F. Wendling. Signal processing and computational modeling for interpretation of SEEG-recorded interictal epileptiform discharges in epileptogenic and non-epileptogenic zones, J. Neural. Eng., 19: 055005, 2022.

E. Lopes-Sola, R. Sanchez-Todo, E. Lleal, E. Köksal-Ersöz, M. Yochum, J. Makhalova, B. Mercadal, R. Salvador, D. Lozano-Soldevilla, J. Modolo, F. Bartolomei, F. Wendling, P. Benquet and G. Ruffini. A personalizable autonomous neural mass model of epileptic seizures ,J. Neural Eng., 19: 055002, 2022.

E. Köksal Ersöz, P. Chossat, M. Krupa and F. Lavigne. Dynamic branching in a neural network model for probabilistic prediction of sequences, J. Comp. Neurosci., 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10827-022-00830-y

E. Köksal Ersöz and F. Wendling Canard solutions in neural mass models: consequences on critical regimes,J. Math. Neurosc., 11 (11), 2021.

E. Köksal Ersöz, J. Modolo, F. Bartolomei and F. Wendling. Neural mass modeling of slow-fast dynamics of seizure initiation and abortion, PLoS Comput. Biol., 16(11): e1008430, 2020.

E. Köksal Ersöz, C. Aguilar, P. Chossat, M. Krupa and F. Lavigne. Neuronal mechanisms for sequential activation of memory items: dynamics and reliability, PLoS ONE, 15(4): e0231165, 2020.

E. Köksal Ersöz, M. Desroches, A. Guillamon, J. Rinzel and J. Tabak. Canard-induced complex oscillations in an excitatory network, J. Math. Biol., 80: 2075-2107, 2020.

M. Carlu, O. Chehab, L. Dalla Porta, D. Depannemaecker, C. Héricé, M. Jedynak, E. Köksal Ersöz, P. Muratore, S. Souihel, C. Capone, Y. Zerlaut, A. Destehxe, and M. di Volo. A mean-field approach to the dynamics of networks of complex neurons, from nonlinear Integrate-and-Fire to Hodgkin-Huxley models, Journal of Neurophysiology 123(3): 1042-1051, 50 Years of Modeling Neural Activity: Celebrating Jack Cowan's Career, 2019.

E. Köksal Ersöz, M. Desroches, C. R. Mirasso and S. Rodriguez. Anticipation via canards in excitable systems,Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 29(1): 013111, 2019.

E. Köksal Ersöz, A. Vidal and F. Clément. Coupled multiple timescale dynamics in populations of endocrine neurons: Pulsatile and surge patterns of GnRH secretion, SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 17(1): 1052-1090, 2018.

E. Köksal Ersöz, M. Desroches and M. Krupa. Synchronization of weakly coupled canard oscillators, Physica D 349: 46-61, 2017.

E. Köksal Ersöz, M. Desroches, M. Krupa and F. Clément. Canard-mediated (de)synchronization in coupled phantom bursters, SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 15(1): 580-608, 2016.


E. Köksal Ersöz, C-G. Bénar, P. Benquet, F. Wendling, and I. Merlet. Refinement refinement of granularity of cortical atlas to mode epileptic interictal spike propagation neuromodulation , 25(7), S188, 2022.


E. Köksal Ersöz*, R. Lazazzera*, M. Yochum, I. Merlet, J. Makhalova, B. Mercadal, R. Sanchez-Todo, G. Ruffini, F. Bartolomei, P. Benquet and F. Wendling. Signal processing and modeling for interpretation of interictal epileptic discharges in partial epilepsies, Society for Neuroscience: Neuroscience 2023 (Neuroscience 2023), 2023, Washington DC, USA. Poster

E. Köksal Ersöz, J. Modolo, F. Bartolomei and F. Wendling. Multiple timescale dynamics in neural mass models: canard solutions, critical regimes and seizure abortion, International Conference for Technology and Analysis of Seizures (ICTALS 2022), 2022, Bern, Switzerland. Poster

E. Köksal Ersöz, C. Aguilar, P. Chossat, M. Krupa and F. Lavigne. Neuronal mechanisms for sequential activation of memory items: Dynamics and reliability, Computational and Systems Neuroscience (COSYN 2021), 2021 (Digital). Poster

E. Köksal Ersöz, M.Yochum, D. Mogul, J. Modolo, P. Benquet, and F. Wendling. Mathematical analysis of seizure initiation and abortion in a neural mass model of the entorhinal cortex, International Conference for Technology and Analysis of Seizures (ICTALS 2019), 2019, Exeter, UK. Poster

E. Köksal Ersöz, M. Desroches, and M. Krupa. Phase equations and applications to canard cycles, 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience (ICMNS 2016), 2016, Antibes Juan les Pins, France. Poster

E. Köksal Ersöz, M. Desroches, M. Krupa and F. Clément. Canard-mediated dynamics in a phantom burster, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems 2015 (SIAM DS15), 2015, Snowbird, USA. Poster

E. Köksal Ersöz, M. Desroches, M. Krupa and F. Clément. Canard-mediated mixed-mode oscillations in a 4D model of GnRH pulse and surge generator, 10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications (AIMS 2014), 2014, Madrid, Spain. Poster


E. Köksal Ersöz. PhD thesis: A mathematical study on coupled multiple timescale systems, synchronization of populations of endocrine neurons.

E. Köksal. Master thesis: Synchronization of continous-time oscillators and its control.

Techinical reports

E. Köksal, Eugenio Cinquemani. On the problem of identifying metabolic network dynamics from steady-state data: metrics and constraints Inria - Research Centre Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes. 2013.

Pre-prints and articles under revision

E. Köksal-Ersöz, P. Chossat, and F. Lavigne. Effects of local gain modulation on probabilistic selection of actions.

L. Tomy, E. Köksal-Ersöz, M. Yochum, A. Nica, P. Benquet, F. Wendling. Response of neocortical dysplasia to thalamic stimulation.

A. Benard, E. Köksal-Ersöz, T. Calas , M. Yochum, P. Sauleau, F. Wending and P. Benquet. Combined HD EEG and virtual brain for Subject specific simulation of Resting state and motor task.